Fitness is passion for teen

Lachlan Scott poses in the weight room, showing the results of fitness training. • Photos Submitted

By Tom Victoria

Lachlan Scott started working out to solve an issue with his knees. Now, the 16-year-old is relocating from New Zealand to Australia to make a career of promoting fitness.

He will work with Cameron Turner, another content creator.

“We’ll be inspiring people,” Lachlan said.

He stressed how vital fitness is.

“The importance of fitness to me is a way of improving your overall athletic ability and being able to live a happier and longer life,” Lachlan said “You’ll also gain new things such as progress on your physique, discipline, friends and also helps a lot with confidence.” 

He spends a significant amount of time working out daily, doing 30 minutes morning cardio and hitting the gym for an hour after school.

Lachlan wasn’t always fit.

Lachlan started working out to strengthen his legs, resolving kneecap problems.

“I was what’s called skinny fat, parts skinny and fat,” he said. “I started working out to build up my legs to resolve kneecap problems. They were really weak, popping out.”

Not only did focusing on fitness address Lachlan’s problem, but it became a passion.

“I sort of fell in love with it,” he said. “It’s really fun.”

Lachlan soon saw results in strength and physique.

“My shoulders and chest grew,” he said. “I felt really confident.”

Lachlan is an athlete, having formerly played tennis and hockey for 8 years. But he eventually lost interest in team sports.

“It just got boring to me,” Lachlan said.

He said fitness became much more appealing.

“It opened new opportunities,” Lachlan said. “You’re your own coach. You’re your own team.”

Lachlan worked on his fitness to improve his health and confidence.

He isn’t restricted to physical activity, also having learned how to play the piano.

For motivation to keep working out, Lachlan looks to music and thinks about how far he’s come.

“When I have no motivation to go to the gym, I would listen to hardstyle and that would hype me up really easily,” he said. “And I would think about my end goal physique that I want. But the most important one would be looking at all my old physique pics so I know how far I’ve come and I can see all the progress that I’ve made.”

Lachlan is inspired by several fitness icons.

“The people who inspired me were Conan Sikei, Aziz Shavershian, Jeff Seid and Jon Skywalker,” he said.

Lachlan offered input for those wanting to become fit.

“My advice for beginners is that you should 100 percent take lots of physique pictures,” he said. “Because in the future, that will definitely be your biggest motivation. And to always reach out for help, especially if you want to get your technique right when lifting because the better your technique is, the faster you'll put on muscle. And also try and find a gym partner, because that way you can help push each other to your limits.”

Lachlan added that people should not be hesitant to put in hard work early.

“My biggest advice for beginners is to absolutely destroy yourself in the gym so you can make the most of your newbie gains,” he said. “Because usually when you first start going to the gym, your body tends to put on a whole lot of muscle in a short amount of time.”

Lachlan emphasized the importance of not comparing oneself to others with regards to fitness.

“Don’t compare yourself to those on enhancement drugs or who worked out longer,” he said. “Compare yourself to what you looked like when you first started. Just keep going.”

The link to Lachlan's Instagram:


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