Belgian balances modeling, college and fitness

Marius Bourgogne poses for a modeling shoot. • Photo by Alejandro Ramirez.

By Tom Victoria

Marius Bourgogne exemplifies peak performance whether it be modeling, fitness or any other of his endeavors. The 20-year-old Belgian balances being a college student, model and athlete.

He said posing for the camera brings fulfillment in multiple ways.

“I get a lot out of modeling,” Marius said. “First of all, it makes me grow a lot, thanks to all the incredible people I meet, the places I discover or the crazy experiences I live. Moreover, one thing that makes me extremely happy is the pride in the eyes of my family and friends who believe in me and support me in my journey. Then, it allows me to improve in what I do, to question myself and to evolve in an environment that I like very much. Finally, I love the result at the end of a shoot, after having worked all day, to be able to see the result and to be proud of myself and of what the complicity between me and the photographer has created.”

He has aspirations for his modeling.

“I would like to be placed in an agency abroad in order to develop myself in this field and have the opportunity to live incredible experiences,” Marius said. “One of my biggest dreams would be to participate in a fashion week for a big fashion designer.”

Modeling intrigued him as a youth.

Marius enjoys working with photographers to get the best shot. • Photo by Theo Auquiere.

“When I was young, I loved perfume ads,” Marius said. “It was one of my dreams to do that one day.”

He started to be interested in modeling at 15. Two years later, Marius won a contest in Paris and was encouraged to continue.

Fitness is another passion for him.

“I am currently following a street-workout program, which is the sport I practice almost every day,” Marius said. “I would like to achieve all the goals within this program — muscle up, handstand and handstand push-up, back lever, semi-plank and many others.”

But he doesn’t want to stop at mastering calisthenics skills.

“One of my goals would be to climb Mont Blanc, one of the biggest summits in Europe,” Marius said. “Probably next year.”

He said fitness provides many benefits.

“They are numerous and I cannot mention them all,” Marius said. “However, I would say that the main ones for me, or at least the ones I find the most impactful, are self-confidence; health; physical appearance, which is linked to confidence; and values.”

Marius aims to model at a fashion week for a designer someday. • Photo by Alejandro Ramirez

He elaborated on what fitness means to him.

“The fact of seeing oneself evolving, moving toward one's goals and reaching them gives a confidence that is almost impossible to obtain otherwise,” Marius said. “This confidence is notably provided by the evolution of the physical appearance linked to the practiced sports activity. Fitness is beneficial for the health and well-being of the body. Finally, in order to succeed and reach your fitness goals, it is essential to be disciplined and regular in your practice. It is also important to learn to sacrifice the present or at least to do what is difficult now in order to have the future you want and to improve yourself. All these values are learned during the practice of fitness and can be transposed to any other area of life.”

Body weight exercises as opposed to traditional gym workouts comprise his training of choice.

“I do both, however, I am actually more involved in street workout,” Marius said. “When I was younger, I used to train at home with my pull-up bar in my room every evening. Body control is essential to me, which is why I recommend combining street workout with stretching and flexibility. In addition, even when weight training, it is important to incorporate body weight exercises such as pull-ups, dips, push-ups and squats. Most importantly, I have always found the street workout athletes who mastered the plank, one-handed handstand or other incredible tricks to be so stylish.”

Photo by Tom Saint Clair

He initially participated in team sports, but wanted to work on his body and build strength when he was 14.

“So I started street workouts and weight training,” Marius said.

But he said the first year was not effective, so he started watching videos and reading books on fitness.

“I started to get more results,” Marius said.

While pursuing modeling and training regularly, he is attending college.

“I am currently studying management engineering at the University of Mons in Belgium,” Marius said. “It brought me a lot. I have gained a lot of knowledge in multiple fields: finance, marketing, computer science, English, Spanish, economics, law, science, management, etc.”

He will obtain a bachelor’s degree that will pave the way for a master’s program down the road.

“I have other aspirations for the moment, especially with modeling,” Marius said. “I intend to try to travel the world.”

He also aims to obtain more advanced motorcycle (in addition to his current A1/18 years old one) and boat licenses as well as launching his own website later this year.

Along with spending his free time with family and friends, he has another interest.

Marius does a handstand during one of his street workouts. • Photo by Tobias Gonsch

“Another lesser known area where I spend a lot of time is my investments,” Marius said. “I try to learn how to manage my money and to invest it intelligently in order to be able to realize more of my dreams and those of my loved ones.”

Other fields that pique his interest include science and geopolitics.

Marius has ways to stay motivated.

“What keeps me motivated is reminding myself of my goals and why I want to achieve them,” he said. “If they are important enough, no matter what happens to you, you will do whatever it takes to keep moving toward them. In addition, discipline is essential. People who are disciplined in achieving their goals, whether they are motivated or not, work to get what they want one day. This can be done in small everyday tasks, such as making your bed after getting out of it, washing the dishes right after eating, etc. Thanks to this, you will be more inclined to start working toward your dreams and not dawdle on other useless things.”

Marius dispensed advice for aspiring models.

“I would tend to say to surround yourself well,” he said. “It's important to find the right people who can help you evolve and learn in order to improve and advance in this field. Personally, this was done by meeting the person who is now my agent and who helps me develop my career. Then, it is essential to understand that modeling and fashion are subjective worlds. Indeed, as you can like a piece of clothing or not, a brand or an agency can not like your face and tell you that it will not work while another one can adore you. So don't stop at the first failure and persevere! Moreover, starting in this business takes time, up to three years. You must not be discouraged and persist if this is your dream. Finally, it is essential to build up a complete portfolio with as many photographers and styles as possible in order to stand out in the agencies.”

Photo credits, from left: Photo by Romain Maurette; Photo by Tom Saint Clair; Photo by Tom Saint Clair; Photo by Joan Crisol

Marius also gave pointers to those wanting to become fit.

“My number one advice would be to learn and watch your nutrition,” he said. “It is indeed the food we eat, what we eat and how much we eat that determines our physique. For health, eating local and unprocessed food is a good basis. Then for the physical, it is necessary to understand that everything depends on the ratio calories consumed/calories spent. It is therefore possible to regulate one's weight and therefore one's appearance by playing on this scale, either by changing what one eats or by varying one's physical activity.”

Marius also said people should do what they enjoy.

“My second piece of advice would be to practice a sport that you really like and in which you are ready to commit yourself wholeheartedly,” he said. “This way, no matter what discipline you choose, you are sure not to have to force yourself and to practice it more diligently. In conclusion, managing your nutrition and practicing regularly an activity that you like are, in my opinion, the keys to staying fit.”

The link to Marius' Instagram:


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