Man inspires through fitness and fashion

Jeremiah Carter is a fashion designer, model and dance instructor. • Photos Submitted

By Tom Victoria

Jeremiah Carter brings inspiration and positivity through fitness and fashion. The 22-year-old is a clothing designer and fitness dance instructor.

Now residing in Lexington, Kentucky, the Texas native leads Zumba classes to improve others’ fitness.

“It’s a way to exercise,” Jeremiah said. “It’s a disguised workout.”

He explained Zumba is an avenue for people who may need a different route than hitting weights in a gym.

“It’s for everybody,” Jeremiah said. “You’re getting a full workout: arms, legs, back, chest.”

For personal fitness, he works out in the gym as evidenced by his impressive physique.

“Fitness is really a mental getaway,” Jeremiah said.

He also models and designs clothes.

“Clothing is a way to express yourself without words,” Jeremiah said.  “I believe fashion and fitness is what drives me to be creative, active and to inspire others.”

He uses his designs to spark others’ imagination.

“Every time I wear a piece out and someone asks me about it, I will give them answers and then will ask them ‘What is your dream?’” Jeremiah said. “Most of the time, people will say that they are working a full-time job and some will tell me they are acting on their dream. I notice a lot of people have given up on their dreams because they had something come up in their lives or they lost the hope of their dreams. I encourage every person to never give up on who you are and go for what will make you happy.”

Jeremiah shows his exceptional physique.

His journey began with competitive running. Jeremiah and some of his friends were home-schooled, so his dad started a cross country team.

“We were really close friends, so we always managed to challenge each other,” he said. “I managed to medal every race the last year, when I graduated. After that, I didn’t know what I was going to do. I then got a job at a gym and I started a gym routine five days a week with two rest days. I kept this going for a couple months and began to see major results. The routine began to give me an amazing energy. I felt empowered like I could do anything and be anyone I wanted to be.”

Fashion ensued.

“I decided to take a missions trip and found myself in Taipei, Taiwan, where I was introduced to the fashion of the Chinese people,” Jeremiah said. “I was fascinated with the bold choices of colors and style. I had an amazing experience there and brought home a career I was completely inspired with.”

Along with finding a career path, he found out more about himself.

“I was 18 and I began to notice things about myself that I couldn’t keep hiding,” Jeremiah said. “So I decided to come out to my parents. Little did I know that after that moment, I would find myself moving to Bardstown, Kentucky. This is where my fashion started to impact my life.”

Jeremiah designed these elegant dresses. 

He started working on designs in his new surroundings.

“I am a self-taught designer, so I decided to craft a journal and began sketching my ideas,” Jeremiah said. “I have always been expressive with my clothes, but always had a hard time finding pieces that best displayed myself. Another thing was the way it fit and how it made me feel. I began making journals, shirts, handbags, you name it, I worked on it.”

Fulfillment came from seeing the fashions worn by others.

“There was such a rewarding feeling when someone wore my piece,” Jeremiah said. “They felt beautiful and I could see it through their energy.”

He is increasing his social media presence.

“I’m building my Instagram platform slowly but surely,” Jeremiah said. “But TikTok is where I live. My bio is ‘I’m a Fruit Loop in a bowl of Cheerios’ and I certainly am. With the collaboration of fashion, fitness and comedy, my TikTok was born. In one year alone, I gained 43k. I then got into livestreaming and my social media outreach blew up. Now, I am receiving orders for custom products and the dream is becoming a reality. I also started my portfolio on my website This journey I am on has just begun and I can’t wait to see the opportunities that come in the future.”

He urged others to pursue their dreams.

“Your life will only go as far as you let it,” Jeremiah said. “Opportunities are here for everyone. It’s up to you to take that opportunity and thrive. You are the only person stopping yourself from your potential and most of the time it is just fear. Once you get over that mindset of fear, you can accomplish anything.”

The link to Jeremiah's TikTok:

The link to Jeremiah's Instagram:


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