Teen shines with fitness

Baxtiyarov Nosirbek employs traditional exercises with unique weights. • Submitted Photos

By Tom Victoria

Baxtiyarov Nosirbek needed less than two years to transform from a skinny kid into a shredded athlete. Now, the 15-year-old Uzbekistan native inspires others to follow his lead.

“My main goal is to inspire people,” Baxtiyarov said. “Not to just start doing workouts, but to help them get better physically and mentally. I want people to become healthier.”

Baxtiyarov shows tricep and shoulder development in a pose.

The teen posts on Instagram and YouTube, demonstrating workouts, doing challenges and giving physique updates under the moniker Golden Zubik. Baxtiyarov stressed the importance of fitness.

“First of all, to feel and look better,” he said. “And also when you start looking in the mirror, you see the result of all this hard work, you start to respect yourself and you gain self-confidence.”

Baxtiyarov's efforts have been noticed from afar and closer to home. Along with his online followers being inspired, his older brother is now working out.

The fit teen trains several days a week for up to two hours each session. He employs unique weights evoking medieval design.

Although Baxtiyarov lacked size before training, he always was athletic.

“I was pretty good at sports,” he said. “I was really flexible.”

Once Baxtiyarov began working out, it didn’t take long for him to see results.

“I was quite strong when I started doing fitness, but I think it took two to three months to see the changes in my body,” he said.

Baxtiyarov felt the impact of becoming fitter in multiple ways.

“First is a better immune system, so I rarely get sick,” he said. “Second is that I look better and more toned. And I feel more confident about myself.”

Baxtiyarov stays motivated by imagining what other people in his place would be doing if he stopped.

“Knowing that someone who has the same goal as mine is working while I’m not because of my laziness staying in the same place,” he said.

Baxtiyarov dispensed advice to those thinking about starting to work out.

“The hardest part is to start,” he said. “After you see your first results, you probably won’t stop this.”

Baxtiyarov’s followers are growing.

“I would like to start monetizing my videos from YouTube,” he said. “I would like to be sponsored by any kind of supplements company because it’s quite expensive to buy supplements for a teenager like me.”

Although Baxtiyarov is committed to fitness, he has more ambitious goals.

“So actually fitness, it’s just a hobby for me,” he said. “My primary activity is architecture. I’m really interested in the construction business of building luxury private homes around the world. And one of my main goals is to be the first company that will develop hi-tech style homes in my country.”

The link to Baxtiyarov's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqmBmUIrGNkpSEbjMTwBFHA

The link to Baxtiyarov's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/golden_zubik/


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