Teen is author, investor and elite athlete
Jon Law is an accomplished author with one of his books selling 10,000 copies. • Photos Submitted
By Tom Victoria
Jon Law is a best-selling author, shrewd investor and phenomenal athlete. He is 16.
The California teen developed enough of a business acumen to write a book on investing at 14. He didn’t realize it had become a hit until he received the first $1,000 deposit into his bank account.
“It was quite amazing,” Jon said. “I didn’t expect it to do well. It kind of grew spontaneously.”
He explained the subject mattered covered in the book.
"The Modern Guide to Stock Market Investing for Teens provides a comprehensive baseline of actionable knowledge for teens interested in investing," Jon said. "Simply put, it gives you the why, the how, and the ability to succeed."
He started his path to becoming financial expert when he started investing - several years ago.
“My parents started me investing at 12,” Jon said. “I just sort of have fell in love with it. There are always different stocks. If you pick the right one, you make money.”
His investment approach evolved over time.
"I was much more impatient as an early investor," Jon said. "Over time, I’ve become much more emotionally lenient of short-term price action, and my investing mindset has shifted to a much longer-term time horizon. This allows for more objective analysis and picks, as well as those unfettered by any lack of an ability to hold."
Two other of his more prominent works cover such timely topics as digital currency.
"Crypto Technical Analysis is the first book to bridge the gap between technical analysis and cryptocurrency, while also provides an introduction to cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency analysis and cryptocurrency fundamental analysis," Jon said. "Bitcoin: Answered is a complete breakdown of Bitcoin for those without prior knowledge through a simple, question-based format."
He explained this is an interesting transitional period in the world.
"They definitely will get rid of paper money," Jon said.
He said cryptocurrencies offer an alternative to centralized currencies.
"Current trends point towards the continued adoption and use of cryptocurrencies, and the question of whether crypto will serve to replace current systems en masse is, at best, educated speculation," Jon said. "It's simply too early to tell. Getting rid of paper money doesn't necessarily refer to cryptocurrencies. Apple Pay, Venmo and the Chinese digital yuan are all digital forms of payment that aren't cryptocurrencies. I think it's likely that more governments will pursue the path of the digital yuan. It's an interesting and developing situation that ultimately allows us to reflect on the structure of our society and question if and how such structures can be improved."
As if being an established author wasn't enough, Jon created his own publishing company, Aude Publishing.
"The publishing company was an extension and expansion of my writing and a means of diversifying in terms of distribution under a shared brand," he said. "This really is an interesting time to be in publishing."
Jon is an elite athlete who runs track and cross-country.
Jon also is a partner in a new technology software company.
"A few partners of mine and I are developing a SaaS (Software as a Service) that essentially combines the space of paid online media with the trend of long-form to short-form content through the medium of text messaging," he said. "The overarching entity is called Textafy, though our initial proof-of-concept will operate under the name MotivationClubs. This really does have the potential to make people’s lives better, and we can’t wait to share it."
Jon attributes his advanced literary level in part to getting a head start at a young age. He read many hours a day throughout his early teens.
"I was really a big reader," he said. "I owe a lot of my success to reading. That really gave me a solid foundation. I think it provided greater maturity."
Jon also excels in athleticism. Along with competing in track and cross-country, he focused on enhancing his overall fitness, crafting a shredded physique in the process. Along with posting updates on his progress, he performs fitness challenges such as 1,000 calf raises a day for 30 days.
Jon enjoys warm weather on the water.
"I just strive to improve every day and the natural result of hard work applied over a long period of time is some degree of advancement," Jon said. "In this, I find importance, not in my relative advancement, but in the virtues of striving and working hard and the enjoyment derived from hitting one’s targets."
In addition to his website, where he blogs on finances, he posts content on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.
"I’d like those who follow me to ask a little more of themselves; whether in health, relationships, wealth, happiness, etc.," Jon said. "This means imparting some degree of raised awareness and perspective, which hopefully supports and enables personal progress and ambition. In the more literal, this means encouraging and teaching people how to commit to health and exercise as a lifestyle; encouraging youth to think bigger about their wealth and impact horizon and the means by which money and value can be generated; and simply pushing people to be introspective, pursue excellence in all areas of life and by extension, believing such excellence is possible, and realizing self-actualization."
Jon dispensed advice to aspiring investors.
Jon also works out and does fitness challenges.
"Really just keep compounding in mind and recognize the power of small additions over long periods of time," he said.
Jon also imparted wisdom to those wanting to improve their fitness.
"I suggest starting simple and building a framework," he said. "This holistic approach is much less likely to lead to burnout and failure than an entirely optimized, all-in approach. A framework should include some kind of daily ritual or plan, which is religiously performed, and a base set of rules to adhere by throughout the day. Additionally, one should incorporate an enjoyed means of exercise into training, build a base in core movements, and bump up volume and weight over time."
Jon downplayed being able to juggle all of his endeavors with school and other typical obligations.
“I don't think I'm close to maximizing my time and output,” he said. “In regard to what I am currently able to do with my time, I attribute my style to (entrepreneur and investor) Naval Ravikant, who said to work like a lion: first resting, adapting and planning, and then diving all in – so to speak, going on the hunt – and focusing on one thing until it's done. This is combined with tasks and rituals that must be completed every day, and the pair results in a baseline degree of daily productivity, ample rest, and single-minded focus and output on an overarching project.”
And Jon's hunt has only begun.
The link to MotivationClubs is: motivationclubs.com
The link to Jon's website is: https://jon-law.com/
The link to Jon's TikTok is: https://www.tiktok.com/@1000reps?
The link to Jon's Instagram is: https://www.instagram.com/jonlawfitness/?hl=en
The link to Jon's YouTube channel is: https://www.youtube.com/jonlawfitness
The link to Aude Publishing is: https://audepublishing.com/