Man makes videos to inspire others

Christian Harbin skydives in Fayetteville, North Carolina.  •  Photos Submitted

Christian Harbin skydives in Fayetteville, North Carolina. • Photos Submitted

By Tom Victoria

Christian Harbin has jumped out of an airplane, joined a band for a day and worked as a sewage plant worker. The 21-year-old loves trying new things on a YouTube channel to inspire others. 

“I’m all about experiencing,” Christian said. “I want do everything.”

He pointed many viewers don’t have an outlet to try new things, so he does it for them.

I’m very happy where I’m a right now. I encourage people to chase their dreams.
— Christian Harbin

Earlier this year, Christian came to the realization that he could turn his hobby into a business promoting other businesses in his region.

“It’s very effective marketing,” he said. “It’s been fantastic.”

Within a few months, Harbin Promotions has worked with a mattress shop, a barber and the Red Cross in a promotion to donate blood.   

For the mattress store, Christian came up with a novel idea. He convinced the owner to let him jump off the roof onto   mattresses to show their durability.

“This is engagement,” Christian said.

Christian enjoys the view on the water in Rogers, Arkansas.

Christian enjoys the view on the water in Rogers, Arkansas.

But his videos aren’t just to display a positive image for businesses, he also posts ones to inspire people to pursue opportunities.

“It really is scary to just go for it,” Christian said.

He also stresses maintaining a positive attitude even when bad events occur in life.

“It’s clean,” Christian said about his content. “I’m family-friendly oriented. I just want to provide an outlet for anybody to watch this. It’s about making people smile.”

Christian Harbin

Christian Harbin

Christian started his YouTube channel in 2017.

“We just did it for fun,” he said. “We made a huge slip and slide.”

After Christian posted his first video, he realized the appeal. His focus soon switched to exploring abandoned properties in his region of Northwest Arkansas.

“It just really intrigued me,” he said. “From that point, I covered that niche.”

Christian said many of the buildings he checked out were subsequently razed.

“They’re all pretty much gone, which is cool to have video records,” he said.

However, Christian eventually decided to deviate from those trips due to possible complications.

“This is little bit sketchy,” he recollected thinking. “I don’t want to get into trouble and encourage others to do the same.”

Christian then found his calling: trying out things he never did before. Among his other adventures were learning a trick from a stage magician, beekeeping and participating in law enforcement attack dog training.

Christian explores an abandoned train in Missouri.

Christian explores an abandoned train in Missouri.

Christian hops the abandoned train cars.

Christian hops the abandoned train cars.

His southern charm and genuineness is not lost on the people he meets during the videos.

“I’m just being me,” Christian said.

He also isn’t shy about discussing his Christianity, which he references when inspiring others. 

“I’m going to be who I am,” Christian said. “I don’t shove it down people’s throats.”

He also has shown his musical gifts, singing playing the piano and guitar.

“I never had lessons,” Christian said. “It’s another creative outlet.”

Christian and his fiancee, Emma.

Christian and his fiancee, Emma.

His music videos introduced his girlfriend, Emma Sweeney, who has since become his fiancee.

“I feel very blessed to be where I am,” Christian said.

He eventually grew accustomed to strangers knowing him from his videos.

“It was so weird,” Christian said about initially being recognized in the street. “People know me and I don’t know them.”

He emphasized the importance of inspiring people.

“I’m very happy where I’m a right now,” Christian said. “I encourage people to chase their dreams.”

Among Christian's talents is photography. He captured a scenic waterfall, above, and a stellar night sky, below, in Arkansas.

Among Christian's talents is photography. He captured a scenic waterfall, above, and a stellar night sky, below, in Arkansas.

Christian Harbin Photography

Christian Harbin Photography

The link to Christian Harbin’s YouTube channel is:


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