Fitness built man’s confidence

Jack Kelly directed his passion for fitness to competition. • Submitted Photos

By Tom Victoria 

Looking at the shredded physique of bodybuilder Jack Kelly, it’s hard to conceive he once lacked confidence. But that’s what caused Jack to start his fitness journey. 

“I liked the way exercise and lifting weights made me feel and found it a positive outlet to put my energy towards,” he said. 

Jack, 24, of Dublin, Ireland, said he intends to keep moving forward in fitness. 

“Push myself beyond what I think is my limits and to be able to enjoy lifting weights for as long as possible,” he said. 

Jack won 3rd place in the NBFI Junior Bodybuilding contest in 2021. He wasn’t always sold on the idea of tanning and oiling his body for a show. 

Jack flexes, showing his muscular physique.

“I think I got to a stage in my lifting career where I began to appreciate the competitive side of bodybuilding and slowly began to get an itch to enter a competition myself,” Jack said. “Seeing some of my idols in the fitness industry such as Jeff Nippard, Alberto Nuñez and Steve Cook compete, too, also had an influence in my decision.”  

He doesn’t drastically alter his training when prepping for a competition. 

“Not much difference to be honest,” Jack said. “Intensity is kept high to retain as much muscle and strength as possible. However, when coming closer to the show the volume, sets, would be slightly lower as the body wouldn’t be in a position to build muscle at that stage so high volume would be doing more harm than good by impeding recovery.” 

Jack lifts weights as part of his training regimen.

He works out most days of the week. 

“Currently, I'm teaching in a secondary school as part of work placement for my college course, so I am in there Monday to Friday full days,” Jack said. “And then I train in the gym five days a week around that. Wednesday and Sunday are my rest days to break up the week a bit.”  

He started working out five years ago. People took notice a couple of years ago. 

“It was around three years or so into taking lifting and eating more seriously that people began to notice and pass positive comments, which was nice to hear and spurred me on to improve more,” Jack said. 

Jack won third place in the NBFI Junior Bodybuilding competition last year.

He is in college to become certified to teach math and physical education. Jack also offers online coaching for people seeking his expertise to become fitter. 

“Teaching is great, but I’d love to grow my online PT/coaching business to a place where I could make a livable income from it as it is a big passion of mine,” he said. “And I think that’s the most important thing when considering what job or career to venture into Is that you love it and look forward to getting up in the morning for it.” 

Jack shows workouts on Instagram and YouTube. 

“I’d like people to come away from my content having either learned something or found inspiration/entertainment from my videos,” he said. “I think having a mix of both informative and entertaining content is important as life is too short to be serious all the time.” 

Jack also makes videos, including one about the best burritos in Dublin, for entertainment. 

Among Jack’s entertainment fodder for his followers was a video called “Finding the Best Burrito in Dublin,” in which he went to five eateries in Dublin to rate their fare. 

“The video didn’t have anything instructional or informative in it,” Jack said. “I made it purely just for a laugh and a bit of entertainment.” 

He said fitness is more of sticking to a routine than finding motivation. 

“Being honest, I don't stay motivated,” Jack said. “I've found it hard to keep training at the minute with being in final year of college and on work placement, but I've made it a nonnegotiable part of my routine now. So regardless of how I'm feeling, I will still make the point to show up in the gym and get the work done. You always feel better after going to the gym than if you didn't at all and I feel it's keeping my mental health stable at the moment.” 

Jack also is a personal trainer teaching fitness.

He offered advice to those who never worked out before, but want to start. 

“Just start,” Jack said. “Whatever area of fitness you find interesting, lean into it and try it out. It could be bodybuilding, Jiu-Jitsu or football, but whatever it is just start it, see if you enjoy it. And if you do, then happy days! Having a hobby that has you being physically active will be great for your long-term health.” 

He also gave tips for prospective bodybuilders. 

Jack uses battle ropes in his exercise regimen.

“If someone is looking to compete in bodybuilding, natural or not, they need to have a decent amount of training experience under their belt, four/five years training at least,” Jack said. “And I encourage them to hire a good, trustworthy coach who has walked the walk, so to speak, or has helped others to do so. Having a coach in your corner, especially if you're competing for the first time, is vital as they will be able to be objective with you on your progress and guide you to the stage to bring your best physique possible.” 

And for those seeking inspiration for their fitness and other goals, they’ll not have to look any further than a young man in Dublin.    

The link to Jack's Instagram:

The link to Jack's YouTube channel:


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